M.Eng. Candidate in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Academic interests:
Battery technology and materials processing
Automotive technology
FSAE Motorsports
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Product Realization
Academic Interests:
Design process and design thinking
Manufacturing technologies
Institute of Engineering
Longwood, FL
Product Development Fellow
• Created novel hardware for classes using 0-1 design process: needfinding, rapid prototyping, testing, and design for manufacturing
• Part of a three-person team that developed the third iteration of the computer hardware in < 1 month
• Developed over 30 engineering classes that will be taught across the Bay Area while working on hardware
Product and Operations Intern
• Utilized playtesting and design thinking to identify pain-points in prototypes, curriculum and UX
• Developed curriculum in various fields of engineering in the forms of iterative challenges
• Designed and constructed rapid prototypes including the first consolidated version of the primary product for the classroom as well as several simple robots
Chairman (‘21-’22), Big Game Week Director (‘20-’21)
• Implement several aspects of Big Game Week including lighting Hoover Tower, dying our fountains, putting on and hosting the Big Game Rally, as well as scheduling the Countdown
• Coordinate with spirit groups, coaches, and Stanford’s athletics department before every football game and operate whistle, flags, nets during home football games
• Lead a student org with over 70 members and a $38k budget
Build dorm community by planning events and outings
Ensure student safety through check-ins and thoughtful event planning
5-SURE On-Foot - Senior Team Member
• Ensure student safety by offering walks home after parties on weekends
• Promote healthy drinking habits by offering water and snacks at our table on The Row
• Look out for unhealthy signs of alcohol poisoning and/or overdosing
Social Media Curator and Lead Video Designer
• Managed company’s social media presence and created videos for company’s YouTube
• Relayed information between banks and searched for potential properties to buy
• Connected to other business owners on LinkedIn to create effective network
Skills and Completed Coursework
FEA, CFD, thermal simulations
CNC Machining
Mechanical systems design
Machining: mill & lathe
Welding and brazing
Fusion 360
ANSYS Discovery
Excel and Office Suite
Spanish (native)
Italian (intermediate)
Natural leader
Team player
Systematic thinker